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Thank you for registering to our live webinar on 29 September. We will be in touch closer to the time with instructions on how to join the event. If you have any questions in the meantime please contact
[email protected]
. We look forward to meeting you soon!
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
How would you describe yourself? Tick all that apply:
Patient organisation representative
Person living with Sjögren’s
Person living with another autoimmune rheumatic or connective tissue disease
Relative or carer of someone with Sjögren’s
Clinician / Healthcare professional
Scientist / Researcher
Industry Representative
Funding Organisation Representative
Data statement
: By submitting this form you agree to being contacted by RCSI or our official recruitment partner/s. If you would like to learn more about how we treat personal data please see our
Privacy Policy
Marketing First Name
Marketing Last Name
Marketing Title
Marketing Mobile
Marketing Email